Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Truth 2

So, though truth might change over time as you experience more and learn more in your life, still, there is a core of truth that most people still believe.

1. First, you are alive and living on earth (apparently) (unless you are living in some kind of "matrix keanu reeves movie or something like that).
2. Truth is being awake and not living in a dream (although some of you might prefer the dream to reality) and some cultures believe that dreams are reality and reality is a dream like the Australian Aborigine culture. They may not be wrong. Also, some cultures like Tibetan Buddhism believe that everything waking and sleeping is equally real and unreal. Are they right also? I think truth like beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. Because no one can in reality impose their truth upon another without the person being imposed upon likely dying or going insane.

3. So, if we want people to stay alive more here on earth it is necessary to allow people to all have their own versions of truth and reality unless they are running amok and hurting and killing people.

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