Friday, December 21, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff and the Republicans

I think the Republican Party is in a justified state of panic. If they couldn't win the last Presidential election they likely can't win another one with the changing demographics ever again. As the white Republican Vote gets less and less every presidential election until the mid 2040s when Whites become a minority in the U.S. likely we have seen the last of presidents like Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan and the Bushes, simply because there are not enough white people or white Republicans to ever be able to do that again except in some kind of coalition situation.

So, I'm thinking that they finally realize this and they are in a complete state of panic which is now sending the whole country off the Fiscal Cliff. The two party system as far as Presidential politics and changing demographics is concerned may have ended (at least for now) any future Republican Presidents.

So, going over the Fiscal Cliff and refusing to negotiate successfully I think is mostly just the Republican Party panicking as well they should. How Presidential politics will now change is anyone's guess at this point. There might now even be 3rd and 4th parties if the Republican Party Fractures even more than it already has since the Presidential election.

Though I tend to be an independent and vote what I think is best for the nation rather than simply by party, I'm sort of sad to see the Grand Old Party go down like this. After all, my father and grandfather were conservative Republicans when I was growing up in the 1950s and my own grandfather bought the first black and white TV in the family in 1952 expressly to see the  Republican Convention nominate Eisenhower for President who was President from 1952 to 1960.

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