Sunday, January 25, 2015

GMO insects?

Yes. Literally anything now living could be genetically modified and more than you might think regarding all organisms are already being genetically modified.

Is this good?

Probably not. One mistake might potentially kill all the rest of life on earth in some now unknown way, shape or form.

All life is an experiment after all. But, at the same time one wrong mistake could doom all life on earth (or just life in one country or continent) to extinction.

So, the potential problems that could come from genetically modifying food sources or even insects that we don't eat are exponential both now and on into the future.

Are we committing suicide by allowing this kind of experimentation around the world?

A good response is: "Did world War I and II and everything we did then doom humans to extinction at some point in the future?"

So, today might be: "Are these genetic modifications of food and other organisms killing people?

The answer is: YES!

However, they aren't killing everyone so far just some people who are allergic to them. LIkely only millions of people have died so far from genetic organisms they have eaten or been harmed by in some way or ways.

So, for now at least there still are most people who might survive most things. But in the future this might change.

No one knows.

So, will GMO mutations eventually kill us all?

The answer has to be "Maybe!"

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