Sunday, September 29, 2013

Long term versus short term strategies for coming months?

If you are a long term investor like me you are already positioned for literally any outcome of the present government crisis because you aren't likely going to make any changes at all and are positioned to just ride it out.

However, if you are a short term investor you might be really biting your nails about now, or if you are a complete gambler by nature maybe you are actually looking forward to selling short many things as they drop? or something else.

However, it might be important to know (if you don't already know this) that the market usually takes a very serious nose dive whenever the government shuts down. So, it might be important to cancel any sell orders after Monday because the market is probably going to drop and maybe even drop in a big way at least until this monetary crisis and the one on October 17th is resolved (at least for a few months). So you need to be prepared for anything. What this usually means for a long term investor is to have enough in cash (outside of stocks and bonds) to keep your business affairs working properly. Otherwise things might go wrong and you would not be prepared to deal with them possibly. So, being prepared for anything (before midnight tomorrow) is imperative for sound business planning.

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