Thursday, June 30, 2016

Is the Wikipedia: Secure Server Obsolete or does absolutely no one understand what is happening?

 In regard to the

 HTTPS? article when I read what this says about the Wikipedia: Secure Server it says to me that either the Wikipedia: Secure Server is obsolete or do people have no  idea of what is actually going on. The answer is most likely the latter. So, in regard to this at least I have no idea what is going on either because I'm not a professional programmer anymore. If you are maybe you could explain what all this means? I'm just a hobbyist blogger doing this blog  as a free public service worldwide so this is about as far as I'm going to take this:

Thanks for your patience.

After I read the first part (which is now at the bottom of this page) I found this which makes a little more sense:

Wikimedia used to have a designated secure server (2005–2011) that was used for accessing Wikimedia projects with an encrypted connection. In 2011, all the main web server addresses at Wikimedia started supporting encrypted connections. In 2013, encryption became the default for logged-in users. As of 2015, unencrypted access is no longer possible. Refer to the "HTTPS" article at Meta-Wiki for more information about the current state of encryption on Wikimedia projects.
This page reflects the historical state from the time that encryption was optional.

end partial quote also from:
  Wikipedia:Secure server

What I get from reading this is that governmental sources, universities and businesses use Wikipedia as a source many times. So, this was done to allow only encrypted users access to wikipedia. U.S. Browsers like Firefox, Explorer, and others likely are encrypted for this purpose as well. So by using a well known encrypted browser likely you can access wikipedia still as a reference point.

This is what I think I understand so far here. You might understand this better than I or not depending upon your background in the field.

By the way, if you are a blogger like me here at sometimes also known as Blogspot then I have found (at least using Macs and Macbook pros that Firefox is by far the best Browser to use for Blogging using Apple products as computers for composing. 2nd to this I find Google Chrome works great for some things too. But, overall for blogging using Apple computers at least Firefox is the best browser if you are at with your website.

If you manually code rather than using the compose mode which is an automatic coder then you will have to figure it out for yourselves.


I hope this was helpful.


begin page intro for:

 Wikipedia:Secure server

Wikipedia:Secure server

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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