Saturday, March 31, 2018

Buying a car

IF you are buying a car you really don't want one that parks itself or automatically brakes itself when you least expect it.


Because sometimes these features will be great and other times your car could be hacked and controlled remotely and used to kill you or your family.

So, when you buy a car try to make sure nothing does these things automatically.

And the more luxurious your car is the more likely it is going to do one of these things.

And if it does one of these things it can be theoretically hacked and cause your death by being hacked remotely.

It's just a matter of time.

Also, imagine you are driving down the street in a rented car. You don't know it has automatic braking, then you get too close to a car in front of you and the brakes come on and you have an intense startle reflex.

You are so startled you jerk on the steering wheel or brakes and suddenly your car is going sideways in the middle of the freeway or worse it is crashing into cars around it on a busy freeway.

What happens?

You likely are dead as well as your family in this case.

This is why you need to be careful what you are driving because partial self driving vehicles if you rent one could cause your death.

And even if you buy one in not understanding it the first week to month you could be killed by being surprised when you least expect it by an automatic feature you don't understand.

This is why partial self driving vehicles can cost people their lives.

You likely want a completely manual type of car or one that is completely self driving (but only then if it has been tested and tested and tested in multiple situations.

I'm not ready to own a self driving vehicle now and may not want one ever because I presently believe it will take 20 to 50 years to iron out all these bugs to make them safe enough for me wanting to even ride in one.

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