Sunday, April 17, 2011

Inherent Reality and Created Reality

Inherent reality might be perceived as nature in its rawest form. Then one might consider created reality as everything that came after the first stick or rock man used as a tool. So, literally every original thought a man, woman or child has had (or will have) on this planet or another would be (Created Reality) and because of the way we are presently looking at this all religions would be a part of this (Created Reality) and all Science would necessarily be a part of this (Created Reality).

I can hear people both of religion and science complaining already. However, if you get in United Air Lines Boeing 747 or any other big jet and fly to Asia from San Francisco for example, or fly to London or Paris, for example, is that inherent reality or created reality? From the point of view of how I'm writing about inherent and created reality this would all be created reality. However, is flying to Asia or Europe real?
Of Course it is real. However, the plane is created by man, the cities are created by men(and women and to some degree children as well). The seats you sit on are created by mankind. The air you breathe is reinforced by oxygen tanks on board the plane, the runways you take off and land on are built by mankind, and all the dreams and architects and engineers who designed all the cities and planes and oxygen tanks and even the skin of the Jet that keeps you and your children from dying at 30,000 feet to 40,000 feet is all created. It has nothing at all to do with inherent reality. Thinking this way might be a shock to many of you. However, to realistically deal with what I'm going to write about next I must start with inherent reality. If you have ever been in the wilderness on land or at sea it is very different than being in a city. I must admit being at sea on a little sailboat out of sight of any land at all isn't the most pleasant experience for me. However, to many people they are happy as clams in this experience. When I am happiest I am in the mountains around trees and no people or walking along a beach with as few people as possible on the Pacific Coast where the air comes fresh off  5000 miles or so of ocean from the prevailing winds so there is no smoke or smog there at all. In these kinds of situations I'm happy. Recently my son and I took a road trip to Arizona where he was absolutely amazed at how few people there were in Northern Arizona. He couldn't believe that there were literally no houses or anything for that matter except cactus, brush, and a few trees between places like Kingman, Williams and Flagstaff, Arizona. I told him California used to be a lot like this away from the larger cities in the early 1950s too, even in Southern California. I wasn't as surprised because I had first been in Arizona with my father in 1956 when I was 8 and when it was an even more remote place than now in northern Arizona.

But the whole point I'm trying to get at is to help you to see that Science, Religion, cities, books, ideas, dreams etc. are NOT a part of inherent reality of this world or any other. One can say all these things are real but they are only real to mankind. They are not real the way they are to us to any other life form. The best way to illustrate this is that a child must be indoctrinated and conditioned within an inch of its life to be able to even begin to survive in today's created reality. Whereas any human even suckled like Romulus and Remus by a she wolf(the legend of Rome) wouldn't have had this kind of problem surviving without ANY conditioning at all.

So this is something to think about.

This is a way I was thinking about to introduce the reader to the "Singularity" of what life might be like after this singularity when humans and computers interface and all humans who do this suddenly become billions of times smarter than they were before. So, I guess my question would be: "Does this singularity make life inherently better or worse? Or more likely Both?"

I have already written many things that occur after the Singularity which Ray Kurzweil predicts will occur by 2045. However, as an intuitive and precognitive psychic I can tell you that a lot of the preparation both psychologically and physically as well as technologically has already occurred. One need look no further than to the interface of young people with their smartphones, texting, Facebook, Twitter and other social media to see just how fast it is already coming. Already individuality is diminishing every day by the use of the "one mind" technologies generated by computers. So there will be those who say, "Who needs individuality anyway?" But I say, "Without individuality we don't have what an individual needs to survive unexpected events."

For example, there are stories for example about the Jewish Holocaust where a little boy and his mother were being ushered down an alley to their deaths. The little boy sensed to go down that alley was his death so he pulled on his mother's hand to go down another alley where they saw at an angle all the people with them being machine gunned down. Without the individuality to break from the norm it is possible no one will survive what may come. The little boy and his mother escaped and survived this situation somehow. But the rest obeying the orders of the World War II German soldiers did not survive.
So, in a crisis we must have individuality to survive. And one never knows what kind of calamity might arise when.

Likewise, I envision large groups of people blindly going into various "Singularity" situations to their deaths like moving towards a drug like state where visual or sensual stimulation has a drug like effect that prevents them from feeding, clothing or otherwise taking care of themselves. Look at how many are already addicted to various forms of social media, computer games, to the detriment of their careers, lives and psychological and physical survival already. How much worse could it get from even more addictive and seductive entertainments of the future where physical reality is just so painful that living in games and computer worlds seems like the only useful thing to do just like a drug addict on Heroin, or meth?

So, "The Singularity" could be both the savior of people as well as the extinction of whole peoples depending upon just how balanced they were to begin with and how it will be used just like the computers and games and media of today are both helping and wreaking untold havoc in billions of lives worldwide right now and into the future.

I'm considering combining some of the characters from 2037 and 2035 as well as adding new characters and then writing in an intuitive and Precognitive way about the Singularity of 2045. By the way I can also tell you that because someone as successfully prophetic in a technological way as Ray Kurzweil is predicting the Singularity in 2045 that it is bound to come sooner than that. Because of his prediction more people will begin inventing for it and it could now arrive by 2020 or 2030. I think you would know when it arrives by the explosion of consciousness. I would expect a worldwide social revolution technologically like the one that began around 1980 with Bill Gates, Stephen Jobs and Steve Wozniak when Microsoft and Apple Computer took off and began to fly.  Then the Internet in the 1990s and then the explosion of social media in the 2000s and beyond. Likewise, the singularity will resemble these events only they will move through worldwide societies much more quickly because of what has already occurred. I foresee the singularity will take only about 1 year whenever it occurs and immediately completely transform billions of lives. Nothing will ever be the same again. And unfortunately, inherent reality might disappear completely as a result. I'm not sure inherent reality disappearing completely is a good thing at all. In fact, I'm sure that inherent reality disappearing isn't good at all. So, this is also something to think about.

1 comment:

Shaman Elder Maggie said...

I believe there will always be the inherent thirst for creativity in human kind and this is the saving grace from "one mind" thinking. People love to create unique things! Art has always been that facet of life that keeps man from one mind thinking. The failsafe is already here among us. Do not worry.
Shaman Elder Maggie