Thursday, November 28, 2024

If you live in the Midwest or east it is possible that buying an EV might be helpful cost wise if Canada Tariffs happen


Because if Trump actually puts tariffs on Canada gasoline is expected to go up 45 to 75 Cents a gallon and there is one vehicle that I know of that tends to pay for itself which is the Tesla Model X that people are talking about. You might be able to pay for the vehicle in the gas you save in about 5 years they say.

However, it's important to note that they cost about 75% more to maintain than Gasoline or Diesel Driven vehicles too. All these things would have to be weighed.

For me, I likely wouldn't own an EV or a hybrid and would buy likely a hybrid first (only if I had to) simply because there aren't enough charging stations outside of California, Oregon and Washington yet.

So, if you buy an EV to save money on gasoline or diesel remember to check where you actually can charge up. The people that do the best all have solar cells on their roofs already so it doesn't cost them literally anything to charge up their EVs. There are a whole lot of people like this in California because of all the sun.

MY cousin owns a Tesla that does 160 miles per hour and then on longer trips he takes his Lexus Hybrid so he doesn't have to have problems charging up all the time. He just drives his Tesla mainly to work and charges up mostly for free from his solar cells at home. A lot of Californians do this.

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