Wednesday, August 21, 2019

2019 is more just plain insane but not as frightening as the 1950s


People are more insane than in the 1950s in general. Look at our president! What a wack job! This is the worst president of either party since General George Washington became president. And there really were some bad ones like Andrew Johnson who after Lincoln was assassinated tried to reverse the outcome of the civil war. He was likely the worst president after Trump. And then there was Hoover who created the Great Depression much like Trump is creating a 2nd World Wide Great Depression through this Trade War.

So, the problem with now is people are really insane and ungrounded. The problem back then was people were grounded in reality because it seemed like everyone was going to die every single moment. So, that makes people very real when they believe they are going to die in any given moment. Many many many people committed suicide in the 1950s just because it was too stressful for them to continue living with nuclear weapons hanging over their heads. (We hadn't had 70 years of peace yet because 5 years before 1950 100 million people or more had died in World War II and people were totally PTSD and crazy as loons who had seen that horrible thing up close and there still were some luny people who had survived World war I as well left. So, craziness was there too but the primary thing everyone felt was fear in a way that is like you are all going to die soon!

This is what we all felt in the 1950s. Boys my age were trained to expect to die as soldiers or in a nuclear blast (one of the two). This was the future we all expected then. It was horrible to live through those times in regard to all this and many people couldn't take the pressure of nukes and just snapped one day and killed themselves or others.

But, I come from a long line of survivors. My father's favorite saying was "A miss is as good as a mile" which basically meant if a car misses you by even 1/4 inch it might have been a mile away from you and you should let it all go which I believe was and is a good philosophy of life.

What I mean by this is if you survived it let go of it. maybe learn from whatever it is or was but after that just let go of it because worrying about it is just going to make you crazy.

That's one way to survive anything that my relatives taught me. I come from pioneer stock that literally survived everything from 1725 on here in the U.S. from Pennsylvania to California, to Hawaii to Alaska. I've got distant Swiss relatives everywhere now in the U.S. since 1725.

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