Friday, August 16, 2019

If you want to buy Greenland why not buy Antarctica and Siberia too?

It's true that even the purchase of Alaska by Seward was called "Seward's Folly". So, it took over 100 years to prove him right about this purchase likely long after he was dead. However, buying Greenland by Trump from Denmark also sounds crazy too, sort of as crazy as purchasing Antarctica from all the countries that jointly own it now. (Sections of Antarctica are claimed and owned by various different countries).

So, why not buy Siberia From Russia too? Within 200 to 500 years it might be like Hawaii there?

But, what will the rest of the world be like from Global warming and Florida mostly under the ocean?

Hawaii might resemble the deserts of Saudi Arabia then in summers than the tropics.

Maybe the best way to see it is that 76 degrees was an average temperature (year around) at the north pole 1 million years ago and we are quickly headed back there caused by global warming right now.

And then another level of this is: All Ice Ages started with Global Warming which is a scientific fact too. So, when does 76 degrees at the north pole turn suddenly one year into below zero  temperatures once again?

And how many people living in 76 degrees average temperature at the north pole would survive that?

It's almost like Trump believes in Global Warming isn't it? And he's just lying to the rest of his rubes and suckers worldwide about what he really believes in. The Almighty Dollar.

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