Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Knowing "Where not to be when danger strikes is important now here on earth on earth"

For example, I was going to take a long walk in the forest today but something told me I should take a short walk at the beach instead. Besides, it was really warm and humid most of the day here on the Northern California coast and no one much has air conditioners but for some that likely is going to change over the years now with Global Warming. But, I listened to my intuition wondering what was going on. Well, I returned home only to find out that we were having a power outage and that 8000 homes were without power today from about 2 or 3pm until 6 or 7 pm tonight. So, I wheeled out my gasoline generator and plugged in my 100 foot cord and started it up and plugged a surge protector into the end of the 100 foot cord and plugged in my refrigerator and a lamp for later if the power was still off in the dark. I took the battery powered lights that had turned themselves on in the hallway and kitchen that we have as emergency devices for having light in the house even at night when the power goes out which have re-chargable batteries and are ALWAYS plugged in ready for a power outage. Then I put 3- 2.5 gallon gasoline cans in our vehicle and went to the gas station within about 5 miles of us and filled them up and returned and put 2.5 gallons into my generator after turning it off to avoid a fire and then after I filled up the tank to full I started it back up again. Then I took some vinegar in a sprayer and put it on weeds in the front yard that I didn't want to be there because I never use Roundup because it has dioxin which has no safe level for anything with DNA on earth.

So, because I sensed something was going on I was prepared when the event happened.

But, it can be anything like a mass shooter: you HAVE to know before the shooter even arrives to get out of there. If you are a complete rule follower you are often just dead and that's all.

If you sense something isn't right listen to yourself and go somewhere else

If you follow all the rules and listen to authority often you just wind up dead in these kinds of situations. You have to listen to your instincts and intuitions to stay alive these days AT ALL!

Stay away from where trouble is going to happen. It's often the ONLY way to stay alive that day!

Police cannot protect you from a crazy with an Ak-47 or another type of Assault rifle. The crazy in Dayton shot 10 people dead in 20 seconds including his sister and one of his best friends before the police shot him dead.  10 people dead in 20 Seconds!

This is why your instincts and intuition is the ONLY thing that is going to save you (and the angels) by God's Grace

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