Thursday, August 15, 2019

Reading the last quote is sort of like Trump ending life as we know it on earth by his actions

Trump is the first president to destroy all the things that have prevented world War III since 1945 with nukes destroying the earth itself.

Trump and Putin together sort of are "playing chicken" trying to create "Nuclear Armageddon" with everything they have if you watch exactly what they are doing.

I don't think it's brinkmanship either, it's more a case of Self Destructive suicide of the world order leading to everyone's death at this point sometime this century or the next.

It's sort of like watching "Terminal Macho" go awry.

It reminds me of the game teenagers played trying to be the last person to jump from their car as it went over a California cliff into the ocean in the 1950s only this time both Trump and Putin didn't get out in time before their cars went over the cliff.

Crazy insane stuff!

Even Putin's unlimited range Atomic powered Cruise missile that just killed at least 5 people in Russia in a test speaks to this Terminal Macho to the point of nuclear Armageddon stuff. The radiation alone of an unlimited range nuclear powered Cruise missile might finish people off as the missile passed by within a month or two acting like a Doomsday weapon ending life on earth.

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