Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Trump's position on Global Warming will be the death of 50% of the people on earth this century

What I mean by this is by ending trade as it was, by weakening NATO, by weakening the UN, by weakened the WTO he has destabilized this whole century and destroyed the good will towards the U.S. built up since World War II. But, if you add to this his stance on Global Warming and the Endangered Species act, he has also likely driven extinct hundreds of species this century as well as 50% of mankind by 2100. In other words I expect at most about 4 billion people left alive in 2100. I'm not sure what this will look like just like in 1900 would you have known what was coming to Earth? No. You wouldn't. But, things like World War I and World War II for example, were just so horrific that instead of witnessing either of these things you likely would have preferred to just jump off a cliff somewhere instead.

What I'm writing here is true whether you are for Trump or against him. I'm just looking forward down the time lines to see the damage he has already done.

However, I think Descartes saying of "There is nothing so good that no bad may come of it and nothing so bad that no good may come of it" is also important to say at this time.

For example, because of the awful things Trump is doing the human race DOESN't go extinct between 2080 and 2090 here on earth which is likely why the secret agencies of earth who use time travel saw that Trump (as bad as he is) was one of the only ways prevent human extinction even though 1/2 of the population of earth will be gone mostly from starvation and global Climate change by 2100 down to a maximum of 4 billion people. However, it could also be as low as 1 billion people depending upon what people do next here on earth as a group. So, looking down time lines it will be 1 to 4 billion people left alive by 2100 here on earth. And in some areas of earth no one will be living anymore. Maybe some insects and spiders or something like that but mostly nothing else in those areas because it just will be too hot for people to live there anymore.

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