Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What I found interesting at the Dimensions of Disclosure Conference in Ventura

First of all, they mentioned they had been heckled somewhere and that sort of got out of hand. So, this time they hired Maori Bouncers in case anyone was a problem this time. I saw no one being difficult this time at all.

Mostly, it was kind of a "Love Fest" of sharing useful information with people.

From my perspective of 71 years and what I have seen during my life, the most important thing here was that people were loving and healing towards each other and helpful to each other.

Because in the past, one of the biggest problems has been people harmed or disappeared temporarily or permanently by the government for anything they said about their experiences. So, there has been an incredible amount of suffering and death and torture and maimings around everything to do with UFOs always back through recorded history.

So, to me, having grown up in the 1950s where talking about UFOs might mean you would die or disappear suddenly, this was wonderful to have a situation not like that anymore.

This doesn't mean there were not many weird moments for people in various kinds of ways. Instead mostly what it meant is that people were very very very grateful to find other like minded people who had also had UFO experiences in the past or present.

So, this sort of thing can heal people and make their lives work again by meeting like minded people.

The danger of something like this is the same danger as starting a cult where only some people have all the answers and it gets weird because of that too.

But, at least at this point I saw mostly the positive sides of this for most people there which is good.

As long as you know to start with the idea that most people who have met aliens or time travelers or both from this world or others all have a certain amount of PTSD from these experiences you can begin to make sense of all this.

But, this level of PTSD would be the same or less than all Firemen and policemen in the U.S. and world right now because all police and firemen have PTSD within a couple of years of doing their jobs anywhere. The only question is: How bad is it? And no one is going to tell you because they want to keep their jobs as long as they can.

By God's Grace

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