Wednesday, August 21, 2019

When you understand hatred it is usually a scapegoat for something else

Hatred in people usually goes something like this: "I hate myself because my parents rejected me or tortured me or my friends didn't like me but I don't want to kill myself so I will kill other people by redirecting my hatred for myself against others because I don't want to die.

However, if you look at mass shooters at least 50% of the time it is almost always a murder-suicide situation. Count back how many mass shooters are dead now. For example, the Dayton shooter is dead. How many times has the shooter been shot dead in these shootings?

So, you can see how I think like this after studying psychology. People are actually vicariously committing suicide by shooting people because they hate themselves and this is so intense many people might not realize they are committing suicide by their shooting others.

How do you change all this?

If you have hatred you must learn to love yourself. If you are an adult then you can reparent yourself. I had to do this when I had to leave my childhood religion in which my parents were ministers in. I had to bite my lip until it bled to focus my mind like a soldier and stay alive because I couldn't kill myself because of what that would do to my parents.

However, 50 years later now I also realize that I wanted to kill myself partly because my parents religion was more important to them than I was. But, it has taken me 50 years to understand this.

Do I blame my parents for this? No.

Because they were as evolved as they could be from what they experienced growing up then. They barely survived the Great Depression and World war II. They needed their religion to stay grounded and sane and to be lacto ovo vegetarians who didn't smoke or drink ever.

So, I don't blame my parents simply because they did the best they could do. However, I do realize that I almost killed myself because I felt that my parents should have loved and cared about me more than their religion.

So, this turned me against all religions and churches eventually by age 30. This didn't turn me against Jesus or Buddha or Mary or angels but it did turn me against organized religions of all kinds. So, my religious experiences are directly with God and Jesus and Angels all the time now with no organized religion because they were always the problem that almost cost me my life.

Religions cause many millions of people to kill themselves every single year here on earth. Think about this for a moment.

Organized religion and war are the biggest murderers on the planet! And sometimes they are the same thing.

So, your personal connection with God and Angels is the single most important connection you will ever have in your life!

This is what is important here.

Organized religion is about money and State's controlling people's thoughts and actions at core and that's all.

By God's Grace

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