Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Republican and Trumps attitude about NOT HELPING the average person in the U.S. is Horrifying!

As our economy crumbles from the middle Class down we all see the plane of our economy crashing but why?

The best reason would be that the 1% which is who Trump is a member of really don't give a damn whether the average Republican or Democrat lives or dies. It doesn't matter to them. The ONLY thing that matters to Trump and McConnell is the stock market which also isn't doing great right now either.

When you have a pyramidal point of view where only the top 1% are important you have things like the French Revolution where the aristocracy are all guillotined. I hope that isn't where we are presently going right now by the way! 

Because the way the stimulus talks have gone so far that is exactly where the U.S. is headed within a year or so looking at all present indicators.

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