Monday, August 22, 2022

As a precognitive psychic when I come up with disturbing information I usually don't leave it online very long

If you are precognitive like me you don't just want to terrify people with potential coming events that you foresee. Why?

Because only the Time Changers around the world who work for the United Nations and the U.S. and various other countries need to know about them really so they can alter time before it happens or after the effect retroactively. In other words they might go forward in time with a robot to see what happens first because the robot likely could survive most events. Then they bring it back with a video of what the robot observed in time. However, tracking down the real culprits and eliminating them from time before they are born often is a lot more involved. So, sometimes they do this or they just kill the people before they destroy cities, countries or the whole earth itself with nuclear or other types of weapons.

This is what actually happens.

So, as a result leaving what you foresee up for a short time online until you sense that those who need to know this have found it is usually the best.

Because if time is going to be altered anyway, why terrify people unnecessarily if they likely aren't going to experience it (or if they do experience it) since it retroactively is changed it will only be like a bad dream for them anyway?

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