Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The problem now with Natural Gas in your homes across the U.S.

 Because Natural gas is being phased out slowly nationwide the gas infrastructure is not being maintained or improved. I was watching 4 homes blow up tonight from a natural gas explosion on NBC NIGHTLY NEWS which killed 3 people today here in the U.S. This is always horrific to see this. However, now it will likely become more and more common as homes and businesses using natural gas blow up more because infrastructure won't be made safer or improved from now on because natural gas slowly is being phased out all across the U.S. So, it will become more and more dangerous for people to have natural gas stuff still working in homes and businesses from now on.

So, we should prepare for even more houses and businesses to blow up and kill people as time goes on because the natural gas infrastructure is now at least 50 to 75 years old or more which is why people are dying all over from natural gas explosions.

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