Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Are you here for me or for them?

These words uttered tonight by Hillary Clinton might be the most important words yet uttered by any presidential candidate thus far in the presidential election.

In other words, "Democrats, are you here just in the cult of personality for me, or are you serious about helping all the Americans suffering from the last 8 years? I'm not your therapist! Get it together and do something important! Save this nation!"

I look at this nation and see so many of the same problems as 1929 and 1933. The changes made by Franklin Delano Roosevelt through the Civilian Conservation Core that built many of the roads and Bridges and gave jobs to the starving masses that built much of the roads and bridges infrastructure still used today.

Social Security that many still depend upon and its later partner Medicare keep the poor and infirm alive past retirement age are still helping older Americans not go bankrupt and die at the same time from health care costs after retirement.

Many of the same banking issues of the 1930s have returned and many banks are expected to fail the next few years. Being smart about how you handle your money may be one of the ways you can be sure you and your family will still be around 5 or 10 years from now and making sure if your money is in a bank that it is FDIC insured up to 100,000 dollars per banking system.

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