Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Here's the thing about meatless meat

If we are talking about textured soya protein that often tastes exactly like meat in things like wieners and scallops and things like this you have to be careful how much you eat of this (especially over 40 or 50) because basically it's the same effect as eating too much cheese. Because both textured soya protein and cheese can be very constipating. So, be careful how much you eat of it if it's textured soya protein. However, if it is made just from beans or veggies ground up and mashed together this isn't a problem usually as long as you like the taste and texture of your "Veggie Burger".

I was raised a vegetarian from birth (even though at age 32 I decided to learn to eat some meat so I could survive if I had to hunt deer in a nuclear blast or something like that around 1980. So, I'm still about 80% to 90% Lacto-ovo vegetarian like I was raised to be. A lacto-ovo vegetarian is more like India where you eat eggs and milk and veggies. So, you eat things a lot like potatoes, and milk and yoghurt and cottage cheese and various vegetables and fruits.

One of the advantages of growing up this way is when I had an angiogram at Stanford Medical here in northern California I had the cleanest arteries and veins of ANY 50 year old male they had ever seen there in 1998 when I had an angiogram there.

For example, by Bill Clinton becoming a vegan Vegetarian he likely has increased his lifespan by 30 years. Otherwise he would have died shortly after leaving office from clogged arteries from a MacDonalds type of eating habits much like Trump.

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