Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Saint Germain's saying: once it was only for me but now for all of us potentially

In my 20s Saint Germain came to me and said something interesting which was:

If you live to be 100 you will see 500
IF you live to be 500 you will see 1000
If you live to be 1000 you will see 5000
If you live to be 5000 you will see 10,000

He asked me what I thought and my answer then was: "I'll believe it when I see it."

His answer to this was: "Of course. If you gave me any other answer you would not be my student."

But, that was in the 1970s and now this is about 50 years later and I have realized quite clearly that this isn't just true for me but for all of you too.

This is preparing us all for our potential futures.

By God's Grace

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