Friday, August 2, 2019

The long term consequences worldwide of the Trade war

I think at this point you have to see the U.S. and China as in a downward spiral towards an eventual violent war because of Trump and Putin.

To not see this is to be sort of ridiculous.

However, it is possible there was no other outcome possible  given how badly people demonstrating for human rights are being treated now in Hong Kong too. To fire rubber bullets at them while spraying them with pepper spray insidea Train station that is enclosed as well as chemical weapons we don't fully understand yet tells you just how against any human rights China is for any people under it's dominion.

So, it's possible at this point that a war (ongoing in an economic way) might still be going on 100 years from now between the U.S. and China because of what Trump has started just like the war between the Taliban and the U.S. is still going on in Afghanistan 19 years later too which is the longest war the U.S. has ever been in at this point. It started with Bush but also has now continued into the Obama and Trump administrations too.

The people that will die from this war are the poorest Chinese and American people who will not either have cheap enough products to afford to buy food or won't have jobs to put food on the table in China. So, the poorest Chinese and Americans are beginning to slowly starve to death in both China and the U.S. because of this trade war ongoing. They are the real Trade War victims here.

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