Monday, August 26, 2019

The UFOs I mostly have met are from the future of Earth

However, since you can read a language, all of us who can read or write or both have hidden memories regarding UFOs. This is a true blanket statement for all of us.

The ones I am allowed to remember (there are others too) came first from 7028 AD on the first timeline. You and I now live on the 2nd timeline which began the 2nd time 9-11 happened.

They came in 1974 and asked me to help them begin a 2nd timeline for earth in order to prevent on the 2nd timeline the nuclear holocaust that happened the first time 9-11 happened. So, they started training me in 1969 and 1974 so I could help them do this.

Why would they want my help?

Even now, it's difficult for me to explain unless you understand reincarnation is a real thing for me as a soul. A retired Creator is what most of our souls actually are. After billions of years of being alive (that doesn't completely make sense either because Creators don't naturally live in ANY time or space because they live in Unknown matter which composes 96% of the known universe.

So, as a retired Creator when I arrived through soul travel into the core of the Galaxy and met the Galactic Sentience, he told me that I was an incarnation of his retired Grandfather Creator and that he missed me a lot and that he would help me prevent the nuking of Earth out of existence as long as he could look through my eyes too.

So, when I put all these things in context in a real sense)  he is a forever being out of unknown matter which doesn't contain time and space (at all).

So, dates like 1969, 1970 and 1971, 1974 and 2001 wouldn't be totally useful to him except in specific contexts of viewing reality. So, this now all makes sense to me but it has taken 50 years to fully grasp everything he told me between 1970 and 1972 and after.

Because often when creators take incarnation they temporarily forget who they are in order to experience mortality more fully. It is in experiencing mortality itself which takes them out of the boredom of eternity and gives more meaning to their never ending lives.

The likelihood that you too are a retired Creator approaches 100% simply because Earth is a retirement community of Retired Creators specifically. And mostly this is a retirement community for Galactic Royalty so we all tend to be related sort of like the extended royal family of England.

Creators build galaxies. No one else does this you see. And this is what our souls really are.

By God's Grace

So, you can imagine how the leaders of our Milky Way Galaxy tend to protect their elders in amazing amazing ways! It makes complete sense.

By God's Grace

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