Sunday, August 11, 2019

White Supremacist Goals might be different than you presently think

This is especially important because both the Gilroy and the El Paso Shooters were definitely White Supremacists, whereas the Dayton Shooter was not a white Supremacist but mostly Crazy. The Dayton shooter even shot his own sister dead in that group he killed in Ohio. The white supremacists may not be crazy just full of hate and death for anyone not white.

I was listening to the college professor from Chicago on Fareed Zacharia's CNN show today "Sunday" and she was saying they have specific goals.

1. They want to kill non-white people to get more white converts to their cause. So, expect many more mass killings inspired by Trump's words and rhetoric worldwide.

2. The are against Abortion to force white girls and women to have white babies they don't want so they have more potential Republican Votes.

3. They are against Immigration because they want to kill anyone in the U.S. who isn't white through ethnic Cleansing while forcing any hispanic people to stay in Mexico or further south as well as any middle Eastern Muslim or Black people of any religion. They are also against Jewish people too and all Catholics too.

4. They are against democracy unless "ONLY" white people are allowed to vote and no other group.

5. So, this would mean most are moving towards Fascism not democracy as a matter of pragmatism.

6. The perceived world wide leaders of this movement Are Putin and 2nd Trump by the White Nationalists and White Supremacists of the world.

If you understand all this and that White Supremacists have more in common with ISIS in regard to Ethnic Cleansing and killing anyone but  the white people they want to be alive you understand how serious this really is with Trump in the White House and Putin Pulling his strings.

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