Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Dead in 24 hours

I was told a story about a man in Northern California by a friend. the man got sick and was dead in 24 hours (likely from coronavirus). However, what this means is that he never made it to the hospital and he never got tested and he died within 24 hours.

The other thing regarding coronavirus is if you get it it can also cause a heart attack which can also kill you that way too.

I'm thinking if you are going to die from something you might as well do it quickly and so you will be with your family and not die alone unconscious on a ventilator in a hospital away from your family. However, then if you have this and you are with your family that likely means your family will get this too.

Something to think about.

This was in Siskiyou County, California

So, the areas of the U.S. that don't have any cases. That isn't really true. Out in the country they are likely dying too fast to make it to a hospital. So, they are never counted as having coronavirus.

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