Sunday, October 18, 2020

Critical thinking can save your life this year because of Coronavirus!

 Something as simple as wearing a mask in some situations could save your life this year.

What is critical thinking?

It's the ability to discern the source of the information you are getting your information from and whether it is credible or not.

Many people simply do not have this ability because they were forced to become religious (like I was) as a child or they were abused verbally, physically or religiously or all three.

Not being allowed to believe your own senses regarding what you are experiencing in life often pulls you away from truths that could save your life.

So, as people are abused in various ways growing up they lose the ability to discern the truth for themselves.

And during times like this (a war or a coronavirus epidemic) they often become fatalities from the inability to discern the truth from the experiences and stories they hear around them.

I'm very empathetic by the way because often I was fed bullshit too growing up (especially in the 1950s) when almost everyone was fed bullshit and forced to like it or die!

So, when I see people very very confused about what is real and what isn't real and sometimes even willing to pick up a rifle or gun to enforce unreality I remember how crazy the 1950s were for everyone alive then too.

In the 1950s people who weren't completely crazy from having survived the Great Depression and World War II were in the minority and were mostly children like myself. 

We didn't have PTSD yet that much as of yet because the Viet Nam War hadn't started yet in the 1950s.

But, eventually those that had to go to that war were equally as bad as those who returned from World War II pretty insane.

But, in crisis times (like World War II and the Viet Nam War and 9-11 and now) if you can't figure out what is real and what is not real often you are likely possibly going to die from this deficit as we are watching so many having almost died so far (including ex-governor of New Jersey Chris Christie) and by the way in the first few days of coronavirus Trump almost died too but won't admit the truth.

Chris Christie spent 7 days in an ICU struggling to stay alive but has recovered now. But, they got the very best medicine available which isn't available for most Americans these days by the way.

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