Timothy McVeigh blew up 168 People in Oklahoma in 1995 that killed more people than any other Domestic Terrorist ever at that time here in the U.S. His record his not been broken to this day. However,
there is a profile of what a Rightest Domestic Terrorist looks like which goes something like this.
He grows up in a small town away from cities usually where joining the military is seen as an honorable profession.
He might have served in Iraq or Afghanistan sometime during the last 20 years or so in the military.
He might have PTSD from being abused as a child (mentally or physically) or he might have PTSD from military action.
His friends are all mostly ex-military or present military. They get together and get angry about what they don't like that is happening here in the U.S.
Often they are very religious or had a religious upbringing.
And in these times they just lost their jobs in the last year because of the coronavirus. So, they see the coronavirus as having destroyed their lives that were only marginally working anyway.
People suffering PTSD like this often are also susceptible to Conspiracy theories of all kinds because of losing their jobs and economic livelihood.
Unfortunately, because of their military training they are more likely efficiently trained to kill and to succeed at this even if the conspiracy theory they believe in would seem completely crazy to most balanced people in the U.S. and on earth.
U.S. Security personnel say that because of all this we are now more vulnerable to an extreme rightest
9-11 than ever before in this country because Trump and Barr are encouraging them by their non-actions to act and to kill during this election cycle.
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