Saturday, October 24, 2020

We are ALL eternal beings living a Temporal Temporary existence on Earth as humans

Every so often I meet an incarnate angel in human form. You might ask: "Aren't all humans incarnate angels in human form?" I cannot really answer that. But, there is an unmistakable quality of those who were angels just before this lifetime. They still have that "obedient" nature that one has before one develops "Free Will".

So, if you were to ask me why an angel would choose freely to be a human being it would be because "Angels by their very nature are obedient like children would be." So, in order to have more autonomy one has to be born as a human being (or other species on earth or other planets) to learn "Free Will". Learning how to make good decisions is a difficult task for any being but would be especially difficult for the first lifetime an angel would choose to be a human being to learn free will.

There is a joke sort of about this kind of thing where a boy and a girl decide to go to the Himalayas to meet an enlightened being in a Cave in the Himalayas. So, they walk up to this "Enlightened One" in a Cave in the Himalayas and they ask: "What is the secret of Life?"

And the Enlightened one in a Cave in the Himalayas says: "Good Decisions!"

And they ask the Enlightened One: "How do you learn to make good decisions?"

And his immediate answer is: "Bad Decisions!"

So, you see the joke that is also a sad one about being born for the first time on earth where you have to learn to make good decisions or else you tend to die very very young indeed.

This is one reason why I believe in Reincarnation because it is my experience that I am a very wise and old soul. Because when you die in one lifetime you can carry over the lessons of the reason for your death and thereby learn not to make those same mistakes again.

It is extremely important to learn not only from your mistakes but to also learn from the mistakes of literally everyone around you as well. The more you learn not to make mistakes the quicker you become enlightened in that lifetime so you can help others learn not to make mistakes too.

The more wise and enlightened each of us are the more likely the human race won't need to go extinct again.

But, it is also true that Time travel has been here on earth before there was air to breathe or water to drink. This is true too. So, that is something to think about as well.

Understanding that the past, present and future are not SET but are constantly changing in the past, present and future is one of the keys to enlightenment in this lifetime for all of us.

By God's Grace 

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