Saturday, October 10, 2020

Why is it useful to be in Communion with Angels as much as possible?

Because they will tend to keep you alive and help you meet the right people you need to meet and to travel all over the world if that is useful to you and to God and the angels.

Angels don't live in Time and Space like we do so they tend to know what is going to happen next in everyone's lives.

So, if you are listening to them all the time, they might say to you one day: "Don't do this or that or you or others might die."

So, I listen to them because you are not very useful to God if you are dead before your time from something that can be prevented just by listening to the angels.

So, I literally listen to the angels 24 hours a day and it is one of the reasons I'm still alive at age 72.

By God's Grace 

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