Thursday, August 11, 2022

Nuclear weapons are the primary reason America is slipping towards Civil War: Why?

 Because the existence of nuclear weapons prevents a war between China and Russia and the United States allied with NATO and much of the rest of the world.

Because of this, the U.S.  mostly has held together in defense of all our states against all enemies external to the U.S.

We are less prepared to fight amongst ourselves than we are always prepared to fight others from outside of the U.S.

Therefore, the existence Nuclear weapons are the primary cause of the present civil and Social War and the other causes of this problem are Global Climate changes, Abortion rights being taken away and Gun Rights nationwide.

The different positions on these issues is also helping to cause presently a social civil war and a legal civil War between the states at this time.

Therefore depending upon the party of the president we could see the opposite party's parties states seceding from the U.S. within the next 10 to 15 years if the Civil War 1861 to 1865 historically is any indication of what we are dealing with right now.

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