Monday, May 13, 2019

Trump is playing a losing War against China regarding a Trade War

As I've written before China can withstand an actual Trade War but our Poor and middle Class in the U.S. cannot.


Because China's investors are a very small percentage of their people like around 11% of their people only own stocks in their stock market for a variety of reasons. The poorer people are insulated often by living remotely on farms so they grow their own food and live in smaller houses with or without electricity.

Here in the U.S. most people are living at Middle Class or above so at the very least the poor would be wiped out almost completely in a financial sense from a Trade War with China.

If you haven't already look at most things in your life as to where they are made (even your laptop or Ipad or Iphone by the way). All these things and more are only going to cost much more in the future the way Trump is presently moving.

The only way Trump can win this Trade War in China is if the economic Downturn collapses the Chinese government completely. And if that happened we would see a civil war in China and provinces breaking up into different countries and things like that. So, even winning a Trade war would be horrific and could end life on earth just from millions dying in China and this fighting and dying could also spread to other countries in the region as well.

Is there a danger of Collapse of the Chinese government?

I don't live in China so it would be very difficult to say. But, the pressures building up from economic losses in China are going to cause many changes not only to China but also around the world.

I don't think it is wise to piss off 1.4 billion people by the way. But, likely this needs to be laid at the right door which is Putin and Trump.

It's not the American people who caused this trade war it is ONLY PUTIN AND TRUMP!

To see it any other way is to realize you are living a lie!

Putin is very very calculating and Trump is a madman.

How can the world end the Trade War?

Likely impeaching Trump with both houses might be the only way!

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