Sunday, January 1, 2012

If you Are Hypothyroid

If you have a hypothyroid condition like I do, what I have found that works the best for me is: Armour Thyroid that I get with a doctor's prescription from

However, I had two comments on another blog article I wrote concerning Bovine Thyroid medicine, and the source they gave was: bovine thyroid ,

So, if Armour thyroid doesn't work right for your particular case this is another way to go.

In my own experience over the past couple of years, the armour thyroid first came from Canada and then through England and the latest batch is coming from Germany through
So far, all the armour thyroid has been consistent and smelled the same and tasted the same and the pills were shaped the same with the right symbol stamped on them and the same size which I always check for consistency and to make sure I am being given the correct prescription. No matter what medicines you take always make sure your next set look and smell exactly like the previous set you got so that you stay alive. I have  on one or more occasions from pharmacies here in the U.S. been given the wrong prescription and if I had taken that wrong prescription I might have died. So always check to make sure it looks, smells and tastes the same as your last prescription so you can stay alive too.

However, since a pig is the most biologically similar to a human, the armour thyroid from pig thyroid glands appears to be better than anything synthetic for most people. My experience (after not being diagnosed for 20 years) and slowly suffering negative symptoms that almost killed me, was when I first started taking Armour thyroid at age 58, I felt in my mind and body like I was 20 years old again. This was wonderful because I now know if I hadn't been diagnosed at all I likely would be dead or dying right now instead of writing this for you.

If you have any of these symptoms you might want to get a t3 and t4 blood test for testing if you are hypothyroid(means thyroid gland isn't making enough thyroid to balance bodies hormones). You would experience what I did when this happens: difficulty staying warm, getting chilled easily, constantly getting colds and bronchitis (after  40 or 50) being depressed and having difficulty being happy about anything even things you naturally (before hypothyroidism occurred) would feel happy about.

One of the potential causes for hypothyroidism is being a vegetarian(I was raised to be a Lacto-ovo vegetarian) by my parents since birth which I continued until I was about 32 and decided that in 1980 things looked pretty bad in the world like now and that I should train myself to eat a little meat so I could survive anything if necessary. So, today I'm still about 85% vegetarian. However, being raised a vegetarian also helped save my life when I got a heart virus. when I got an angiogram the doctors had never seen a patient with totally clear arteries and veins with no plaque or buildup like mine before. So, even though on one level being a vegetarian might have helped me become hypothyroid it also helped save my life when I got a heart virus. However, getting the heart virus was partly caused by being hypothyroid. So, I guess in the end it is all a balance in trying to survive one's life.

Note: I understand the comment below by Rachel Stone. For example, self medicating could be fatal. Because if you start on too high a dose part of the symptoms would be a lot like drinking about 6 to 12 cups of coffee a day if you never drank any regularly. You would not be able to sleep at all. Being an untreated hypothyroid sufferer you basically want to sleep about 12 hours a day and never seem to be able to get enough sleep or to be able to stay very warm and you are depressed a lot and sometimes this combination can lead to confusion of one sort or another. Before I was diagnosed likely being an undiagnosed hypothyroid contributed to a divorce after a 15 year marriage. Since my ex- also had undiagnosed post part em depression we both had serious undiagnosed illnesses and were unable to fix our relationship because of these two illnesses, one in each of us. So, being hypothyroid can contribute to depression, divorce, confusion, ill health of various kinds, much lowered immune system etc. It is not as bad as undiagnosed diabetes where people have to get their feet cut off and all that or die, but it is pretty bad in its effects in your life. It is even worse if you are female because of all the hormones in a female body that are there for having babies. Men are very hormonally simple compared to women. So, being a female hypothyroid is even more serious than being a male hypothyroid. I, for example, found that for me I started taking megadoses of vitamin B-Complex during my divorce because I didn't want to take something like Prosac or other mood altering substances because they reprogram the wiring in your brain permanently so you are never the same again, and stopping taking them sometimes causes suicide in some people. So, I preferred extra strength B-Complex tablets which gave my brain enough B-12 and other B-variations so I wouldn't be so stressed when my marriage ended. Since my father died at 69 from Prostate Cancer I also started taking Saw Palmetto in a capsule every day since around 1996 until now which seems to help keep the prostate in order too.

It is also very important I believe to have family or friends around when going through all this kind of stuff so you have some one to talk to you can trust about all this. If you are diagnosed hypothyroid that isn't the end of it either because over time you likely are going to slowly have to take higher doses of Thyroid medicine after you find one that works for you. Everyone that isn't on Armour thyroid seems to have a really hard time of it I have noticed. But anyone I have heard on Armour thyroid when it works for them is usually very happy to be taking armour thyroid because there are no side effects at all. (That I know of after taking it 5 years). The longest anyone I have heard has taken Armour thyroid in the U.S. is 50 years and they started taking it during World War II I think. So, I was very sad when I found I had to get it in Canada because for some crazy reason they stopped selling it in the U.S.


Rachel Stone said...

Its better to learn more about your thyroid problem than trying to find the right thyroid medication for you. In other words, get a proper checkup before taking any thyroid supplements .

intuitivefred888 said...

In some ways everyone has to be their own doctor. My doctors missed the fact that I was hypothyroid until I was 58. The person that discovered it was actually my physical trainer who had been trained a physician's assistant in Germany. When I described my symptoms she said she had the same ones and recommended Armour thyroid which then was sold in the U.S. Then I asked my doctor for a t3 and t4 test and found I had a hypothyroid condition.