Monday, July 28, 2014

Analyzing Religions

If I look to study any religion since I was in my late teens, when studying comparative religions in college, I look for how violent any religion tends to be. Unfortunately, violence stems to some degree from all religions when extremists of that religion confront the extremists of any other major religion.

Though it manifests in different religions it is still there. For example, I always thought of Buddhism as the most peaceful of religions, but then recently I heard about Muslim prison camps basically in Burma for people just because they are Muslim. So, even the Buddhists who often believe in 49,000 correct paths (which includes all religions on earth) have their limits of what they will tolerate. And then there are people who many places on earth are not educated much or at all and this creates more prejudice generally when most people don't even have a 1st grade education or know how to read or write at all.

So then, I look at how people are educated in different religious areas next. If they are taught to hate all other religions and to discriminate against all other religions often killing people of other religions goes hand in hand with all the other (acceptable?) forms of discrimination tolerated or allowed by their peers.

So, often it is not the teachings of one religion or another but instead the fear and bigotry against all other religions that causes problems throughout the world.

So, what causes religions to kill each other? A lack of resources and intolerance and discrimination against anyone different.

But, this is true of all religions whenever that religion feels that anyone else but their kind of religion is going to hell anyway. So, what happens in this situation is very dangerous because the people of one religion tend to start seeing the people of a competing religion as animals going to hell and therefore okay to kill in some circumstances.

And this actually is how people die when people of one religion kill the people of another religion around the world.

And then of course there are then almost infinite rationalizations to justify the killing so the people who were the killers can justify their killing others of a different religion than their own.

However, if people were clearer, better educated in a neutral way regarding all people on earth this would be much less of a problem than it is today many places on earth.

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