Wednesday, July 30, 2014

This is not just an Israeli Hamas conflict: This is an Israeli Hamas War

As I watched CNN this morning on "Wolf" I was struck by two things. Informed people aren't just calling this a conflict at this point, they are calling it a war. And the problem with calling it a war is this might possibly be the last few years of Israel's existence. I'm now very concerned about that.

In some ways one might equate Israel to the position Assad sees himself in. Though politically they are both light years apart some of the same problems apply. Hamas is successfully picturing through media Israel in a bad light among Arab people both Shia and Sunni to the point where it might be easier for Sunnis and Shias to fight against Israel (for the moment at least) rather than fight each other. This is not good for Israel.

But, back to the situation being in some ways the same for Assad and for Israel in that Russia backs Assad and the U.S. and Europe back Israel in this. But, when you have someone like ISIL or Hamas as terrorist groups with groups like ISIL having now many millions to billions of dollars in cash and weapons they have stolen or captured, the first likely to fall will be Assad. But, if Assad falls can Lebanon, Jordan and Israel be far behind? This is an ongoing problem that appears to be just getting worse now by the day.

As ISIL puts the heads of Assad's soldiers on poles (hundreds at a time) and finds the names and addresses of all their relatives and plans to do the same to them as well, how long can Assad now hold on even with Russia's help (unless Russia nukes ISIL out of existence by nuking northern Syria and Northern Iraq completely out of existence?).

Likewise, with the Sunni versus Shia and Israel momentum now through ISIL and Hamas building in the middle east, the same thing might happen to Israel and the U.S. trying to protect Israel might have the same problem as Russia trying to protect Assad. (IN other words without a nuclear strike it might not really be possible).

This is why now 85% to 95% of Israeli's want to completely destroy Hamas because they see Hamas really wants every single Israeli dead now. Because actions speak much louder than words.

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