Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Different Electrical Technologies than the ones we presently use here on earth

Nicola Tesla developed Alternating Current, Fluorescent Lighting and Tesla Coils. He also did something else during the 1900s, he electrified Boulder, Colorado in a test to see if electricity could be free to all. It could. However, likely he was murdered before he could see FDR to give it to the world.

So,  there are other ways (Free Ways) to have electricity. In other words people don't really need to pay for electricity. However, there are people who want to profit from it so this is what we have done so far here on earth.

The magnetic field of earth and the Magnetosphere are electricity. The sun could also be thought of as a generator of a plasma form of electricity which reaches the earth through Solar Storms and in 1989 knocked out power in Quebec by shorting out a power generating station there. The Carrington event:

Solar storm of 1859 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The solar storm of 1859, also known as the Carrington Event, was a powerful geomagnetic solar storm in 1859 during solar cycle 10. A solar flare or coronal ...

Experts Warn The Next Carrington Event Will Plunge Us ...

Alex Jones
Mar 21, 2014 - The most famous one happened in 1859, and was known as the Carrington Event. But other than the telegraph, humanity had very little ...
is another example of the plasma electrical discharges from the sun as they affect the magnetosphere and earth.
The Ark of the Covenant is another example of the use of the electricity of earth directly from the magnetic fields of Earth.
And another example of directly using the magnetic fields of earth and built upon the same principles as the "Ark of the Covenant" is UFO travel with right angle turns at 3000 to 5000 miles per hour.
The basis of this technology runs directly off the magnetic fields and magnetosphere of earth. (So, does all electricity generated) but our government doesn't want you to know this for a variety of reason. The main reason is using up as much electricity as we do on earth depletes our magnetosphere and since our magnetosphere prevents Cosmic rays from mutating our DNA we now are having more problems protecting ourselves here on earth from genetic mutation, especially in the Arctic Circle where cracks have developed since the early 2000s in our magnetosphere.
I personally associate the technology of the Ark of the Covenant with the Time Space travel of many UFOs that visit earth from other times and spaces and places. 
When a conflict occurs between this other type of technology and the one we use here the one we use here fails which is why when some UFOs are here cars won't work in that area and electricity stops working as if there has been a temporary Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). Then when the UFO goes out of range the secondary use of electricity where we charge for power usually comes back on.
The technology like this that most people know about is the Ark of the Covenant which was a weapon (an electrical particle beam generator) and a communication device (likely a way to contact beings in space) (our Gods) of ancient times. So, likely who Moses was communicating with was other humanoids more technologically and culturally advanced than ourselves at that time.

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