Monday, July 7, 2014

Trees: and Unconditional Love

You are much more likely to experience completely unconditional love from a tree in a forest than you are from another human being.

Though this is a true statement I find it saddens me to say it.

It doesn't mean that you won't experience a variety of kinds of love from people. It just means that for that love everyone usually wants something from you for that love. They usually either want sex, your time, your life, your something ongoing forever ongoing. Everyone wants something from you.

So, at age 21 when I experienced the first completely unconditional love from a tree in the forest on the Silver Mocassin trail near Twin Peaks in the Angeles National Forest I remember embracing the tree and crying because of feeling overwhelmed by this experience in a completely unique way.

Yesterday, I was walking in the forest and something happened very unusual for me. I got lost. Not for a long time but for about 15 minutes where I didn't know completely where I was. I knew generally where I was but not completely. So, I walked on an unfamiliar trail and noticed some very unhappy pine trees as I tramped through this new neck of the woods. They were sort of bent over from not enough rain and pitch canker and I sort of worried about this section of the forest. I had a bottle of water in my pocket and when I had it in my shirt pocket trees asked for the water. I said to them it wasn't enough to make any difference, besides I needed it to wet my mouth as I found my way back to my 4wd truck. As I walked further along I walked through a section that was planted after a fire around 1980 and I noticed that these younger trees were doing better than the old growth ones likely because they had chosen to plant trees that could do without much water that were pines and younger and so more resilient than the older trees.

I felt embarrassed I couldn't help them with water. I decided that I could visualize rain falling for them so I did for about 15 minutes as I walked I visualized rain falling for them.

Tonight I walked outside my house and the ground was wet from heavy fog and I realized God had answered my visualization prayer for the trees. Both I and the trees are very happy God answered our prayers tonight. We are all very grateful.

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