Thursday, July 3, 2014

Why ISIS is sending Mortar Shells into Shia sacred sites?

ISIS sent mortar shells wounding at least 9 people in Samara recently because by doing this more Shias will martyr more Sunni people and because Sunnis will get very mad this will increase the Sunni Soldiers volunteering to fight against the Shias in Iraq on the side of ISIS from all over the world.

There are many more Sunnis than Shia all over the world. However, they are not organized yet because Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria are all organized to destroy all Sunnis. However, Sunni countries don't want to face Russia. The U.S. doesn't want to nuke the earth out of existence so it isn't going to challenge Russia either at present. If Russia wasn't supporting Shias Saudi Arabia and all Sunni nations at this point would rise up and take Iran likely out of existence. But, they know they could not prevail against Russia because of their nuclear weapons.

However, that doesn't mean that Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hezbollah from Lebanon wouldn't consider genociding all Sunnis in the world if they could completely out of existence. So, in answer to the question I asked above sending mortar shells to destroy the most sacred of Shia sites is to get Sunni Soldiers to volunteer to fight for ISIL(ISIS) against all Shias in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and anywhere else ISIS or ISIL wants to go.

The real problem of the U.S. being involved at all now is that Russia has already chosen to support the Shias against the Sunnis Starting in Syria and now is supporting the Shias in Iraq.

However, the U.S. really doesn't want to get into the middle of the Sectarian war on either side because it doesn't see that as being useful at present. But, eventually the U.S. likely will be forced as this whole mutual genociding Sectarian war continues to be on the side of the Sunnis because we have traditionally aligned with the Sunnis.

However, that could be dangerous and possible even create an earth killing nuclear war because Russia is supporting the Shias to genocide all Sunnis.

So, like most wars this one is really really insane to even contemplate and I don't think most Americans have figured out what is really going on here yet and they might not ever.

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