Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Russia has finally decided to go after ISIS in Raqqa with Cruise missiles

I think the anger in Russia about ISIS shooting down it's passenger plane has caused Russia to finally put it's money where it's mouth is by sending cruise missiles into Raqqa from a submarine in the Mediterranean ocean. They even notified the coalition so they wouldn't hit a coalition fighter or bomber when they did this. IF you remember the U.S. went after Saddam Hussein and Baghdad with Cruise missiles too at first. Also, Turkey has sent in Tanks to help take Mosul from ISIS.

So, countries are all ganging up on ISIS so ISIS might not be around much longer. It is possible that Turkey and Russia agree on offing ISIS and because of that maybe they are choosing to militarily work together to defeat ISIS in various regions of Syria and possibly Iraq as well. (Even though I don't believe either Russia or Turkey have permission to go into Iraq and attack Mosul with ISIS in it from IRaq.

This doesn't mean that defenders of Sunni Muslims around the world won't take on some new form in the coming years that the U.S. and NATO and Russia might not like either. It just means the country called "The Islamic State" is likely on it's way out.

Even if ISIS is completely gone Sunnis will continue to be victimized by IRan, Assad and Russia and Hezbollah. So, this is an ongoing problem likely for the next 50 years or more at this point.

It's about human rights and the right to even be alive and even be a Sunni Muslim in Syria or Iraq.

And we likely are going to see Sunnis fighting for the right to be alive and to be a Sunni for the next 50 years or so in Syria and Iraq even when ISIS is gone.

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