Sunday, June 26, 2016

One type of Technological Singularity may have already been reached

If you study the interfacing levels of unpredictable chaos already present here on earth in from multiple causes already, we might be already in the verge of collapse of nations and treaties right now.

You can see this in the Brexit which is completely unraveling any agreements between Britain and the EU with no one at all at the helm because Cameron even was against Brexit and doesn't plan to implement it or enforce it at all. Now, Scotland wants to stay in the EU and will likely nullify Brexit for at least Scotland. This likely will cause the British Parliament to nullify Brexit by disenfranchising British voters who voted for Brexit.

However, having Brexit Gone likely will be a joy for most Britishers after the mess they have seen the last 2 days that resulted worldwide from Brexit.

What I'm saying here is that we may be witnessing Technological Singularity already in that things are already completely out of control economically on earth because of this one vote.

It's a lot like someone dropped a bomb onto world markets and finance and now Asian markets will soon open and we will see how bad this has damaged Asia as well.

So, what I'm saying here is we may have already entered a phase as bad or worse than the Great Recession here on earth already. And the problem is there are absolutely no mechanisms in place to deal with any of it in any kind of rational way in Europe so this brings even more uncertainty into all this.

If you  understand world markets and stock exchanges what they like the least is uncertainty. And if you look at this realistically this all could actually go 10 or 20 different strange ways at this point as a direct result of this. So, likely until 1 month or until December (depending upon multiple as yet unknown factors) we cannot expect any normalcy in world markets now because of both Brexit and the U.S. Presidential elections.

In other words world markets may stay this unstable (or worse) for the next 1 to 6 months time.

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