Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Saint Germain is right

Within the last month he came to me to notify me that things would get pretty sketchy around the world until after the elections here in the U.S.

Then Brexit happened and I'm beginning to see what he meant. So, basically, it is about remaining calm (if you have positioned yourself correctly to withstand all the present and future fallout that is now coming from all of this worldwide.

One could view Brexit as an economic Stress test for the whole world. The likelihood is that one country or another (besides Great Britain and the European Union) are completely unprepared for all this. And odd things likely are going to start happening in multiple countries who might be the "Weak links" in the economic structure of the world. What that will mean is anyone's guess?

What do I have to say about all this?

God Bless you everyone

Hold onto your hats!

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