Friday, May 24, 2019

I'm more of a story teller than writer: Why?

Because I don't like to edit much at all beyond spelling and context and sometimes not even that. My wife couldn't have a blog like this because she is such a perfectionist. Whereas I'm into communication. Communication of what I consider important for people to know about is what I'm about.

I almost died so many times in my life and I needed often a helping hand and sometimes it was there and sometimes it wasn't. So, in all my blogs I try to give that helping hand to people at any age who are capable of either reading what I write or having it translated into another language or having it read to them if they cannot read or write in English or if they are children and what I write might help them too.

So, my point of view is to try to save those who can be saved because some might not be able to save on any level at all for various different reasons.

My point of view is even if you believe the Moon is made of green cheese and that works for you, you have to go with what works for you until you find something better in life.

Many times in my life when I was young I was just "hanging on by a thread" and that's all. So, if I can provide that thread to someone or many someones that's what I try to do to help people make it just one more day or one more moment to a better life for them and others.

So, that's why I blog to prevent human extinction here on earth.

By God's Grace

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