Monday, August 19, 2019

A member of my family became a volunteer firefighter at 17

However, over the years it became his career too. But, I watched as the PTSD from watching so many people maimed, dying or dead take a terrible toll on him to the point where I don't speak with him anymore because of this one fact. So, I have seen what this can do to a person up close and personal.

So, if your child or a relative wants to be a fireman or a police man or even a soldier you need to prepare for what PTSD will do to them because they won't be the same people anymore watching people die all the time or be maimed or go crazy.

This is all just part of these jobs.

IF you are a fireman or policeman you are much more likely to commit suicide caused by PTSD than to be killed in action nationwide in the U.S. now. This is what PTSD really does to firemen and Police nationwide and worldwide.

So, if you have a family member who wants to be a policeman or fireman prepare them for this too or you will definitely regret it later.

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