Monday, August 26, 2019

How do people die in Trade Wars?

As Tariffs increase businesses go bankrupt in all affected countries and the workers lose their jobs, then they have no money to buy food for themselves and their families and then they starve in many situations around the world both in the U.S. and China and elsewhere.

In the U.S. it might look different than this though because we have unemployment insurance in all states I believe at present. So, then it is homeless people without jobs who can no longer get what they need at places like Walmart at a low enough price, so they have to give up more and more food or medical services until they fade out or die. So, here in the U.S. it would look different than how people are now dying in droves in China who have lost their jobs already because of Trump and his Trade War.

How long can all this go on?

I'm thinking that the next president (even if it isn't Trump) in some ways might be forced to continue the Trade War against China too. Why?

Because of ongoing blatent patent theft by the Chinese State Businesses from American Inventors. Because of this there is above a 50% chance that American companies either will be forced out of China by Trump or the next president or they will cease to be considered American Companies and will be considered "Enemy Companies" for a variety of reasons at that point and not allowed to do business in the U.S. anymore after that.

The longer this continues the more likely it will continue like this or get worse for years into the future in a similar way to where Obama and Trump could NOT remove troops from Afghanistan even though both wanted to when they went into office.

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