Monday, August 26, 2019

Just meeting a UFO will give most people a type of PTSD

But, I would say it is probably equal to what I experienced going to India, Thailand and Nepal in 1985 and 1986. I'm not even sure calling it PTSD is even useful. There should be some other way to quantify this change in a person.

I think the words "Extreme Adaptation" might be more useful.

It is one thing to see people die in war. But, it is another type of disassociation to deal with extreme cultural or physical differences in people. When the people are all from the same planet, though it is a little easier, even if they are from different times.

Corey Goode mentioned that in the Secret Space programs he was a part of that he met people obviously from World War II era who were still young who had been brought through time. However, he wasn't sure if he was in their time or they were in his or where in time they actually were and possibly not sure where in location they were on this planet or another. Because that is something the Secret Space programs do to. They don't tell people much about where or when they are. They just all work together on things. So, when you join the Secret Space programs here on earth it is a 20 year enlistment.

Why would Corey Goode be allowed to share all this without being disappeared or killed or discredited by the government?

Because letting Corey Goode speak about Secret Space programs is a type of recruitment tool for  the governments of the world for those interested in going into space. Those who ferret out the truth might find their way into the Secret Space programs much like the lady in the latest "Men in Black" movie found her way into becoming one of the "MEN IN BLACK" so to speak.

I think most people should be prepared to have their memories erased when they return from Space for 20 years too. It would be in the interests of most Earth based governments to do this also. (at least their memories of anything related to traveling in space). So, people might think what they remember was a dream or something and not reality if they remember anything at all.

Although, how do you account for a missing 20 years of your life?

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