Saturday, August 10, 2019

racism and white supremacy is more about paranoia than mental illness

When I was growing up in the 1950s and 1960s people were much more open about being racist and almost everyone was racist in some way then. If you were black you hated white people and if you were white you might think Black people were inferior. This is just how people thought and talked a lot. But, the fact sort of was that everyone was racist in one way or another it wasn't just white people. And it went far beyond that to being for your nation and against all others. So, people who were from a different origin country than you you might hate so there would be words like Spics, Wops, Nips, Limeys, Frogs, Krauts, Chinks that you would hear a lot back then too.

Then it went even beyond that to men who hated all women and women who hated all men and this was prevalent then too. So, it wasn't just black against white, it was sort of everyone against everyone too. So, this is how you tended to see people in the 1950s where everyone was in some ways against everyone else and this made families very clannish in order to survive all this because gangs broke down in these ignorant ways too because most people hadn't been to college or even finished high school so all of this mostly came from a general ignorance around people who had never traveled outside their little community or family. People wouldn't even eat food from a foreign restaurant unless they were more educated then either. And young people's gangs formed and killed each other around this kind of ignorant thought as well in the 1950s and 1960s. But, this all started to change with the Viet Nam War for a variety of reasons. The Viet Nam War brought all these diverse people together to fight against the war and a lot of these differences began to melt away as the people turned against the government after President Kennedy was assassinated and realized we ALL were being lied to about everything by the government.

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