Tuesday, August 20, 2019

When you try to run the United States like a Business you wind up with another Great Depression

Just like Herbert Hoover caused with the Crash in 1929.

So, after studying about the Great Depression and listening to my parents and grandparents who lived through the Great Depression and World war II, what Trump says is like Herbert Hoover who launched the last one.

This is how Trump is creating a Great Depression likely worldwide:

First, he reduced unemployment so far that wages had to increase because there were no people left to work to hire for jobs. Then he closed the border to so many people that there still were no people to do those jobs so the wages increased even more as companies desperate to hire raised wages again and again.

This then caused Inflation.

Then on top of this he started a Trade war with China. So, if the inflation doesn't create a Recession then the Trade War naturally creates a Great Depression.

Then he underestimates China by far.


He is so ethnocentric American that he applies our standards to Chinese but:

the Chinese are about 10 times as racist as Trump is towards every race but Chinese on earth and don't play by Any of Trump's supposed rules. They plan in 50 to 100 year cycles, so they think to themselves: "How long can Trump last as president being such an idiot. And How can we deep six this guy?"

So, the only reason Trump is still alive and president is that Putin and Xi want someone completely insane in as president destroying this democracy. If this weren't true they would have found a way to get rid of him one way or another already.

So, Trump running the U.S. like his business just makes him seem like another despotic King George III of England. So, to me, he is just a reincarnation of a previous king and dictator, famous for pissing off Americans so bad they killed his troops and sent them packing back to England during the revolutionary war.

King George III was so bad a King that he "killed the goose that laid the golden eggs for England" in everything he did in relation to America then. Now he's reincarnated as our president?

This cannot be a good thing for ANYONE on earth.

Why is running the U.S. like a business bad?

Because the U.S. is a thousand or a million things but not a business.

China is a state run business but America is a democracy in a Republic.

At least it WAS before Trump became president.

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