Thursday, March 12, 2020

I'm thinking that waterboarding and other surveillance tactics should end anyway

National security surveillance authorities to expi... If you are interested in what I'm talking about the link to the related article is in blue and black above.

During 9-11 and after National security and surveillance was increased temporarily to protect the world from Islamic terrorists. However, now that problem is much less than it was then. So, I don't think we need the same level of surveillance as then here in the U.S. It is an invasion of the human rights of Americans in general to continue this kind of surveillance and not appropriate at present the way the world presently is.

The only exception from my point of view would be if say Russia or China have caused the present Coronavirus to set up a 1 world Government to replace all the other ones.

However, even then I'm not sure this would be helpful because of various concerns worldwide.

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