Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Living in New York City right now would be a nightmare

It's very reminiscent of how off things were in 2001 with the Twin Trade Towers going down in
9-11. So, there is this very eerie quality to all of this a lot like a horror movie in real life. When I heard that over 3000 police and an equal number of fireman were off work with coronavirus I realized just how bad it was there.

Another tip they said was: "Don't call 911 unless it is a health emergency!" In other words "even if someone shot you don't call unless you are bleeding to death on 911!"

This is just how awful things are right now. In addition the first New York city hospitals are running out of ventilators for people who need them right now!

So, Triage has already begun in the U.S. deciding who will live and who will die.

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