Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Of Dreams,Visions and Zero Time Points

I dreamed last night while waking up about a zero time point setup in a place like New York City where time could be altered which kind of makes sense because of the UN building there so all nations could participate more easily in these weighty decisions.

For some reason this particular building exists now but also in 2100 and in 2150 so having a moving time point that stays basically in our real time but extending and existing at each and every moment from now 100 or 200 years forward is very useful in making sure the human race doesn't go extinct.

Like I have said before, Trump was put in specifically to prevent human extinction which might easily happen on the 3rd timeline where Hillary Clinton is now president. However, we are on the 2nd timeline where technology is being used to see if that works to prevent human extinction. The 3rd timeline possibly will perish just from overpopulation between 2080 and 2090. whereas we on the 2nd timeline are trying to prevent human extinction through technology gleaned from the Roswell Crash.

So, the way this works is that there is this building that exists in 2150 that also exists now and also might exist in 2250 as well. So, the point is that this building is very tall but also has a section of it with the Zero Time point on board that takes up a 3 story section of it. The rooms on 3 stories allocated have a 15 foot circular hole for people to fall 3 stories through onto a spongy net that catches them like a high wire act might be caught by a net in a circus. The beauty of this zero time point is that you set the time forward you want to go to then you go there to observe what is happening and then you come back here to this time to see what needs to change to keep the human race alive and going. So, the main purpose of this is to prevent human extinction ongoing. And it appears that all nations on one level or another are participating in this project whether or not everyone in their countries knows about this or not.

So, likely my writing about this is the Galactic Sentience wanting this to be in print somewhere for the general public to know about this because this does affect everyone's lives in the next 200 years at least here upon earth.

By going forward in time you see what doesn't work to keep mankind alive ongoing so then people can come back to this timeline now to fix the problems whatever they are so some humans survive hundreds of years into the future.

The Roswell reverse engineered crafts which are time-space vehicles have been used specifically to prevent nukes retroactively from going off after they go off. So, if you remember being nuked it's because you were nuked and then time was altered retroactively already many many times.

However, now time needs fine tuning all the time not just related to nukes because of Global Warming and the degradation of the magnetosphere. So, ways to move forward are best found by seeing what doesn't work by traveling to the future of the 2nd timeline we are presently on.

So now, one by one things are altered so humans can survive ongoing here on the 2nd timeline created on 9-11-01 by Elohar and Ragna and King Interlaken and His Oneness and the Galactic Sentience overseeing everything as leader of the Galaxy.

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