Saturday, March 7, 2020

One reason why shutting down schools might be counter productive

If you have ever been a parents you know that kids 3 to 12 especially bring home every flu, cold, Parvo virus, measles, chicken pox, mumps, any thing you can think of.

And if you are poor or don't have someone you can trust to leave your kids with while you work or
go to college or whatever you need to be doing, often kids get left with grandparents.

And who is the most likely to die from Coronavirus? That's right grandparents over 50 or so.

So, this is one reason, especially if the kids have been exposed through other kids or teachers or other parents or janitors or principals or other adults or children, they might carry the Coronavirus to their grandparents worldwide and kill them unknowingly because they were a carrier that wasn't sick at the time which is very common with this virus. The children or younger adults might not ever get sick from this even though it might kill the grandparents.

I first read about this in an article in the Los Angeles Times.

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